Monday, April 21, 2008

Shirt Care

They say that no trad is an island, but I say that if there is one area in which each trad stands alone, it is shirt care. I have great admiration for those who can wear their OCBDs unpressed, but this is not the way of longwing. And those who send their OCBDs off to be professionally cleaned and pressed I consider to be downright masochistic (it is longwing's POV that anyone who sends their shirts off should switch to pinpoint). For me, it is the middle way.

I'm a self care shirt care junkie (no starch, thank you). I am a man that is never happier than when performing a completely mindless task, and ironing is just the thing.

Oxford cloth must have been invented for the self care shirt care man. The beautiful thing about it is that it doesn't matter if you do an excellent ironing job or a lousy ironing job, the shirt always ends up looking the same. It's wonderful. Broadcloth is a completely different matter. I can't seem to make my broadcloth shirt look worth a dang no matter what I do and if I weren't so cheap I'd send them off. This is why I'm still thinking about those non-iron shirt over at Brooks.

Be warned though, like everything else trad, there is a dark side to ironing. I am the father of two teenage boys who often arrive at the house with friends, both male and female. It is not every kid's dream to walk in, friends in tow, on dad ironing his shirts. It seems to give the wrong impression. This is something we have had to talk about. It has even been suggested that perhaps dad could be a bit more discreet with his ironing habit. Such is the life blah, blah, blah.


Patrick said...

I enjoy ironing too, and I've grown reasonably proficient.

I cheat a little and use this "sizing" stuff on broadcloth shirts. Not much, but a little. Supposedly it doesn't gnaw away at the fabric the way starch does. Supposedly.

Anonymous said...


longwing said...

pls, does sizing make the bottom of your iron all funky? I like a clean iron.

OMGLOLWTF, Do you leave your jacket on all day? You must be a true gentleman, even though you don't really sound like one.

Anonymous said...

I've been watching this site since it's inception. So much laugh at within, but fact that you respond to MR.OMG!!!1!! has to be one of the funniest things ever, just cracks me up.


Lisa said...

I think that Anon must have you confused with the LOLCats site...

...or, you could go with the flow and start posting LOLTrad style. That would be the SHIZZ.

Patrick said...

The sizing does not do anything to the iron that I can see.

longwing said...

JES and applevenusian, welcome to LST.

applevenusian, I just changed my profile in a blatant attempt to attract a more diverse readership. Let me know what you think.

Lisa said...

lw, I don't think you have enough Z's and WTF/OMG/ROTFL/BYOB's.

3button Max said...

can't say that I have ironed an ocbd in years-something frugally trad about yanking from washer , shaking and hanging -preferably outside.
one of many paradoxically trad behaviors-

3button Max said...

the un ironed ocbd-yanked from the washer , shaken and hung (preferably outside) is one of the more bizarre manifestations of trad-ditto the gentleman I chatted with last summer-cracked to hell but polished weejuns nice blazer -cuffed pincords(the Matlock special)Brooks ocbd shirt and 60s beater timex on a striped watchband-one end of the spectrum or the other. might as well name a few--rusty Toyota or a Landrover-Belgian shoes or shoe warehouse knockoff boat shoes-go figure...high tech bbq but Sams club gin...
was he rich ?
old money?
doesnt matter -I was ostensibly hired help but morphed into a guest-trad is not for the faint of heart...

longwing said...

nor for the faint of liver.

Anonymous said...

At 99 cents/shirt, I leave this to the local Koreans (light starch, hanger). Ironing is a somewhat cathartic activity for me, but lately (in the last 10 years or so) I just haven't been able to find the time.

tintin said...

Shortly after becoming a bachelor, for the second time, I tried ironing. I found it to be very peaceful and oddly satisfying. I could see something I accomplished.

I also found that I could get hammered on Laphroaig while ironing and the hangover wasn't so bad since I did accomplish something.

I eventually stopped this because my ironing sessions were costing me a small fortune in single malt.

Anonymous said...

true dat! I had a small studio built out back. You'll find me there nearly every weekend "ironing". I'm mostly a vodka tonic man, but when AC/DC is playing I've a small bottle of Jägermeister in the freezer.

drinks on me,