Wednesday, April 30, 2008

You reach a point in life ....

.... where these things actually start to look good:

Is it the years or is it the weight? I'm not sure. I have a very nice (and expensive, thank you) pair of Russell Moc boat shoes. They are awesome. They are quite unique. Look great. I've even been known to polish them from time to time, unheard of. But wearing them sunrise to sunset on a summer saturday can leave the old feet just a little sore. Enough to get my attention anyway.

When I was a younger man, like you, I was perplexed by the fact that old people were always attracted to ugly shoes. Well it's no mystery anymore. As one who is well into middle age I can tell you that shoes getting ugly is the least of your getting ugly problems. But I'm not going to get into all that.

Anyway, being a man of half measures, my next pair of topsiders are more likely to look something like these:
but the truth is that those on the top don't look as bad as they used to.

Off to get some insoles ......


Tucker said...

I'm not at that point yet. But I will say that the second shoe doesn't look too bad and would look better if the padding was the same color as the rest of the shoe. Yeah, I'd wear it.

Anonymous said...

Kool SHO3S GRMPS!11!!!!1 OMG LOL WUT R U LIEK 60??!!?! WTF LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you like the shoes. I only wish they were mine.
