Friday, April 18, 2008

Trad Lifestyle Blogging - Country Clubbing

I had to laugh when I read one of Richard's posts last week. It's the one where he is wearing the very nice navy suit. It looks like he's changed the post around a bit but at the time I think he said that he was dressing for dinner with friends at the country club, which wasn't a very nice club. Well of course my thought was that if you're dressing like that, it's a hell of a lot nicer than my country club.

It's not very often that you see anyone wearing a suit for dinner at my club. Sure, the place gets rented out for weddings and funerals and whatnot, but very rarely do you see a suit at dinner. It wasn't supposed to be this way. Several years ago many specially assessed dollars were spent trying to make the place nicer. And for the most part it worked. But not in the dining room. What happened was that we ended up with a very nice bar and lounge, but due to a combination of irredeemable architecture and shoddy interior decorating, the dining room is as bad as ever.

One of the tricks you learn there is don't ever make a dinner reservation. If you do, they will try to stick you in the dining room which is the last place you want to be. You really can't help but pity people when you see a party of them sitting by themselves in that dismal space. I sometimes think that people already feel a little sorry for old longwing, so I avoid it like the plague.

The bar is where the action is. You may occasionally see a guy wearing a sportscoat in the bar, but if you do and the fellow looks like he may have a pulse, it's probably just me. I'm not even going to get started on the food. That deserves a post of it's own.

Trad Weekend Plans: My wife has a very busy weekend planned for herself so I will be left alone to pull weeds. I will attend a saturday afternoon meet and greet for the new director of a local chamber music organization. High brow stuff for longwing. A 3 star trad weekend, at least by my lax standards.


Chops said...

I'll have to come back to this later. Right now I'm off to my country club for an art auction.

Chops said...

^I'm back, but not broke. Sad, but I have no taste myself, I had to bring along Mr. Smith (who drives after an open bar?) for viewing and meet him in the card room for the scoop. Which, surprise surprise, was just as I suspected--tripe. I'm not buying, though I did make a donation.

Lessen taught, it's ok not to have taste, just don't buy anything before consulting with someone who does.

drunken pork,


longwing said...

Better than spending too much and having to go on the lam, chops.