Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Spread Collar Shirts

You've probably been thinking "longwing, how come you never wear spread collar shirts"

So I'm thinking that's a very good question. I don't wear spread collar shirts because I only know how to tie a tie one way and it looks like hell with a spread collar shirt.

Now you may be thinking "dummy, why don't you learn how to tie a different kind of knot."

And I'm thinking it's because I'm kind of tall so I have to make my knots very small to keep my tie from looking all short and goofy.

Now I'm thinking your thinking "dummy, why don't you just buy some longer ties?"

And what I'm definitely thinking is enough with the questions already.

And then there is this:

I don't have to tell you because you already know that longwing is not from New York or London or Paris even. longwing may be from the sticks but have you ever seen anything like this in your life?. More like a where's-the-collar shirt if you ask me.


tintin said...

Alright. I just finished your blog. From head to toe. You're funny. Not as funny as I am and you need to buy a camera but you're heading in the right direction. By the way...I'm a pretty contoversial guy.

longwing said...

You're like my new best friend!

Anonymous said...

but it gitz the skinz.

tintin said...

Nobody likes me so I suspect we'll be best friends not very long.

Chops said...


I've read your words other places and I too count you as my friend.
