Sunday, April 6, 2008

What is really trad.

This is one of my favorite posts from AAAT. It's by tom22, from a few years ago:

There have been a lot of threads but there hasn't been a lot of clarification. But I think there is a list.

1. Button down shirts from Brooks or JPress
2. Shetland sweaters made in Scotland.
3. Tartan trousers in Black Watch, Dress Gordon or Royal Stewart Patterns. (Think press or Orvis).
4. Shoes made in England or by an old new england maker.
5. Ties from Brooks or Press.
6. A Camel Hair coat with a half belt.
7. A school boy scarf or a scarf in a cashmere plaid.
8. Wool grey flannel pants.
9. Embroidered whatever.
10. A duffel coat (If you live in NE).
11. bean boots (if you live in NE).
12. Underwear from Brooks or Press.
13. Suits from Brooks or Press or some English maker that you were referred to by your father.
14. Argyle socks or the dress ones you get at Brooks or Press.

That is about it. This is the way a trad dresses. Head to toe.
Get a few dance lessons. Become witty and charming and read a lot of books and subscribe to the Times, Post or Globe and that is about it. People say you can't fake it but actually that probably isn't true. Lots of people do and no one minds.

And take some sailing lessons.

tom22 was an established poster when I started on the board. Had some good things to say. Unfortunately, he went through an angry phase sometime latter and got himself kicked off the board. Now he spends time on the Island of Unwanted Trads. I think he was banned for saying some very unpopular things about hedge fund managers. But I say that time has proven tom22 right about hedge fund managers and he should return in glory to AAAT.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Worth mentioning is that Tom uses the "Trad" word differently to Ask Andy's "Trad" forum.
He got it from Flusser & uses it in that same Japanese way as Flusser does.
Ask Andy's "Harris" may well have got the word from Tom on the old 'GoPreppy' site (Now sadly no more) when he used to post there with Tom. Whatever, Harris' use is different to Flusser's & Tom's and therefore yours, Ol' Chum, as a student of Ask Andy "Trad".

Tom remembers a New Englad world without the pretentions of Harris' Internet "Trad" (& I know that you remember these clothes before the Internet too). You can't link Tom to Ask Andy that closely. Tom belongs to an earlier world.

It wasn't ALL about social class for him like it is with 'Harris' because the clothes just weren't ALL about social class back then.

He's written about this on FNB's site - Well worth a read.

Best -