Thursday, April 10, 2008

Trad Lifestyle Blogging

Today, trads, I am introducing what will hopefully be a weekly feature at The Long-Suffering Trad called "Trad Lifestyle Blogging." In the future this will run on fridays so that you can compare your Trad Weekend Plans with longwing's Trad Weekend Plans. The comparison will probably make you feel very good about yourself. As people have recently grown fond of saying, today's my friday so your getting it today.

If you've been around long enough you surely remember the days when the newspapers had an entire lifestyle section. It was filled with waspy people doing waspy things in their beautifully waspy homes. Back in those days non-waspy people must have taken a genuine interest in what the wasps were up to. And do you remember how all the newspapers had a reporter lady who got invited to all the parties? You could always tell who she was because she didn't quite fit in but was extreemly popular anyway. Well that lady is me.

I don't really have anything to report on today. I'm hoping that once this gets rolling some really great invitations will come along. I'm thinking Martha's Vinyard or the Hamptons, that sort of thing.

So in the absence of any real news, I'm going to sign off with some advice for all the young trads out there: When your out having fun at a party and suddenly it's party-pic time, please put down your drink. I know you're young and foolish and party,party,party and you think it looks good to have your picture taken with a drink in your hand, but it doesn't. To normal people it just makes you look like a jerk.


1 comment:

Chops said...

Confessions re lifestyles. I have a butler, a houseman really, but he doesn't work weekends, unless family is in town. And I must confess that we're all most happy to see Monday.